2022 Annual Meeting

2022 Annual Meeting

Dear Mooney Lake Residents

Liz and Ken Weir invite you to join us for

The Annual Mooney Lake Association Meeting and Gathering

Saturday, September 17th at 2:00 p.m.

1262, Hunter Drive, Wayzata, MN 55391

Tel. No: 763-473-3226

We’ll be in person and outside, at last, weather permitting. Should it rain, we’ll postpone until Sunday 18th at 2:00 p.m.

Our Consultant, Connor McComas, from Blue Water Science will be with us to give us an update on the condition of our lake, on fish stocking and advice on next year’s lake management.

We will report on invasive Curly Leaf Pondweed treatment and Lake Aeration. We will be seeking volunteers to help in this winter’s lake aeration set-up.

Please consider joining the MLA Board. It’s a great way to become involved and to help our lake to be the best it can be. We are looking for a secretary, and general board members—duties are light and seasonal.

The Weirs can rustle up some 20 chairs but, if you have portable chairs handy, we’d be grateful if you can bring them.

We’ll have soft drinks and snacks, and we’re looking forward to being together and to meeting our new residents.

Thank you!

Liz and Ken Weir

John Verplank

Jim Walden

Mariam Siddiqui